Kim Eibrink Jansen
Life, Mindset & Universal Strategist
Having kids completely changes your life around. It's hard, but so rewarding...
We want the very best for them.
BUT when they are struggling, in pain, unsure about life, stressed, anxious, behaving unusually or they just want to do well and succeed in what they are doing, sometimes it takes having a few tools up your sleeve so you can help them the best you can.
Your children ARE amazing, you love them so much and YES they are our future...yet many of them struggle with stress, anxiety, phobias & fears, performance issues with exams or sporting, control issues, violence, illness, behavioural and societal so much more.
We need to prepare them for how to cope in this new world we live in, as well as us learning more about ourselves as people, mothers, partners and parents as well as us honouring our role in the world.
Happy Wife, Happy Life...
Happy Mammas, Happy Kids...
Our childhood has moulded us into the people that we are now, and from our experiences we have carried with us heavy burdens, traumas, experiences and beliefs that have held us back from being the amazing people that we are..
Break the cycle... your child deserves to know all the tools and ways to deal with anything that comes across his or her path.. while honouring themselves.
We are raising a new generation here.
Our kids chose us as their parents...
We are to learn from them just as much as they learn from us.. but HOW?
You and your child's bond is so incredibly strong.
I love that about working with so many beautiful mothers...
The love for their children is one that is built on instinct..
Primal instinct..
But sometimes that connection with our children can be harming them..
Our children are so sensitive..
They "pick up" stress, anxiety, unhappiness, overwhelm...
Not to mention genetic or generational patterns that may not suit them, but they are learning from what you have learnt.
Break the cycle and learn new tools...
We can use the issues you are having with your children right now
Your own issues that you may be struggling with
To see what is really going on with all of you...
These sessions don't require the kids or your partners to be there if there are issues going on..
We work telepathically with them to find the truth..
But what we also do
Is deal with YOUR issues as well as helping them..
You will be surprised when we test you and your kids
How much of YOUR stuff the kids are taking on..
Its no one's fault, though, so don't blame yourself..
Its just a part of this beautiful connection you have with them..
Your children love you, and you love them..
The biggest gift you can give them
Is the GIFT OF YOU!!
Not only will they have a happy mummy...
But you will have a happy child too
As a result of YOU looking after YOU..
Join me where not only do we help the children
But we help you at the same time..
Its a Win/Win for all...
runs for 6 weeks...
Working 1:1 with you, the mother, the entire time
Plus if needed we can include one 15 minute session with the child to teach them new tools
To take them through life confidently!
Working 1:1 with Kim...
In that time you will see an amazing difference between YOUR LIFE and your CHILDREN's Life as well..
1 X MONTH @ $199 p/mth for 6 months
2 X MONTH @ $398 p/mth for 3 months
6 X WEEKS @ $199 p/week
Book below and you will receive a calendar to reserve a time that suits you..
Looking forward to helping you both.. Kim xo