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The Universal Business 1:1 Program....

An opportunity for you to work 1:1 with Kim as she helps you to create a successful business

that you love....that works...

With over 16 years experience, a University Degree in Business and Intuitive Business Practices,

Kim's process of running a business is completely different to anything that you have ever done before..

Creating a process that is DESIGNED FOR YOU!

With Kim's expertise and assistance guiding you every step of the way...

These sessions are designed to help you find out WHO you are...

WHAT business styles, standards and systems work for you....

And to help you define where you are on your soul journey

What steps you are meant to take now

And how to follow them..

Kim is your experienced Business Guide

On Earth...

The Universal Business 1:1 Mentorship Program Includes...

- 2 x 90 minute personalised sessions each month over 5 months (10 sessions in total)

Via Zoom – sessions are recorded for post examination

- Monitored Daily Journal monitoring for Accountability & Reporting (if required)

- Monitored Daily To Do Lists or similar (if required - depending upon what suits you)

- Monitored Inspired Ideas & Actions Schedule

- Daily discussions in our Facebook Group

- Over 70 Tools to use to empower the business owner for potential business improvements

Areas included are:

-Dealing with current situation and putting together a plan to move ahead..

-Identifying your "Universal Business Style" in alignment with your personality & life purpose

-Using the Universe to get all the answers for your business

-Decluttering of Life and Business with energy clearing techniques

-Measuring current level of success vibration

-Creating a clear vision of where you want to go

-Goal Setting & Vision Boards

-Setting Clear Intentions

-Changing of Old Beliefs & Psychological Mindset Shifts

-Changing Life & Soul Contracts and Energy Blocks to Abundance

-Adopting new Laws and Rules to Business and Life

-How to live the Be, Do, Have Principle

-Role of Money and what it represents

-Taking Back Control

-Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) with Action Plans

-Your Niche

-Starting afresh – creating a plan using the SSSIH System

-Re-measurement of success vibration & belief system

-Alignment of previous vision to current growth

-Your Business Structure – matching this with your personality & passions

-Online Business, Face to Face or Both?

-Personalised Sales Funnel Creation (or Universal Business Journey)

-Inspired Ideas – Inspired Action – Inspired Guidance System

-Dealing with Failure and turning it into Success

-12 Universal Laws Flow Chart

-Where do I “find” my clients?

-You can never “run out” of clients..

-My favourite marketing tools

-Building your Team

-Affiliate Marketing and “Bread & Butter” Income

-Help! I have so many ideas! What do I do with them??

-Next steps to creating your successful business…

-Testing, Measurement & Realignment Process for

-Evaluation of Business Growth, Structure and plan for moving forward

Plus much much more.....

Usually $3000 per month...

Kim is offering this secretly at only $1198 per month..

Limited to 5 people 

"Kim Eibrink Jansen has helped me sooo much in my life and with my work, I have no words to describe it. I consider myself to be a fairly introspective and self-aware person, but Kim revealed and busted blocks that were holding me back that I never even considered! She helped me tap in on deep level with myself and my intuition in a major way, and opened up my faith and trust in the universe tremendously. Her work with me has helped me immensely both personally and professionally. Kim Eibrink Jansen is pure MAGIC. I am BLOWN away by her. Get on this woman's calendar if you can! She is truly one of a kind! Thank you for everything, Kim!"

Dr Jenev Cadell - USA

"Since working with Kim my business has exploded in the best of ways.

Before our work together I felt stuck and blocked in regards to money and my business. I felt like I was invisible And my ideal clients weren't seeing me. I felt the relief and the shift happen immediately after working together.

Kim is nothing less than amazing and I wouldn't be where I am without her.

If you are thinking of working with her do it now. I promise your life will change for the better.

Kim is magical! "

Lamisha Serf-Walls - USA 

"Working with Kim is not for the faint hearted, my session with her was a completely life changing event. I was ready for the information I needed to step up into my power and she gave it to me. We worked through all the horrors and fears from my past lives and let them go. And that may not sound transformational, but letting go is the single biggest step towards freedom and success that you'll ever experience.

I now understand my importance in the world but I also know that whatever has happened before and who ever I've been, no longer matters. It's all about making THIS lifetime worthwhile, and finally achieving my soul mission.

Thank you so much Kim, your work will stay with me forever and allow great things to occur. "

Fifi Scarlett - UK

"Working with Kim isn't a cost for me. It's an investment.

Investing in myself via Kim has me on purpose.

Deliberately creating and the ripple effect of that for the people I work with is amazing,

incredible and so completely satisfying.

Love to you Kim xx"

Michelle House - Australia

Kim Eibrink Jansen is an Internationally renowned Entrepreneur,

Spiritual Leader, Teacher,

Healer and Advisor.

Her extensive Business Experience includes not only running 6 international award winning businesses in her career,

but one as a specialised niche Business Coach.

Kim will show you how to have a successful business

using Traditional Business Processes

as well as new Universal Strategies

that are designed and suited

to your own personality..

Kim also has a University Bachelor Degree in Business

and has also co-designed the Universal Business Program.. 

Her BIG picture philosophy around everything that happens to us and embracing the Universal Laws that govern our world, enables those who follow her practices to "step out of" their adversity and move forward in their lives. Her teachings to help them use their own Psychic Communications and Universal Messages as their guide, and having access to over a hundred different ways to deal with our day to day issues, Kim believes that we can all get the answers to anything we need to know, which enables them to move through life smoothly while manifesting absolutely anything they could ever need.

Health, Wealth, Love, Relationships, Success, Weight...whatever.....

These "issues" are the vehicle to not only changing lives for the better, but also a way that we can change others lives in the process and developing our own life purpose in the process...

Life is easy and there is no should, have to or need to. Her work showcases how we can BE, DO and HAVE anything we can ever want following these techniques.

Kim is the creator and author of the "Universal Handbooks" Series, plus she runs many online programs including the Universal Business, Universal Life, Universal Magic School, Spiritual Growth & Development Program, Universal Tapping & Healing Club plus Distance Clearing & Psychic Reading Circle.. all showing people how to connect to their inner and outer wisdom, clear their issues and move forward into a purposeful life...

Referred to by her clients as their "Secret Weapon" and the "Body Whisperer",

Kim is a Spiritual Advisor to personalities

in the public, high profile business, leaders and celebrities.

Work with her exclusively for only $1198 per month...

Kim has won many business awards and helped others do the same.

Work with her to create a business you will love...


Kim Eibrink Jansen is an International Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Speaker and Author Working with YOU and the Universe to bring about Massive Life Changes & Transformation with Guidance, Systems & Processes for Life, Soul, Wisdom, Manifestation, Energy, Quantum Mind, Transcendence, Spiritual Ascension & Evolution of Humanity. Offering Readings, Clearings & Next Level New Generation Spiritual Work taking us into the Next Dimension of Life. 

Founder of the Universal Mindset Technique & Reset your Mind, Reset your Life

CONTACT Kim via the Links below:

Facebook Messenger



International Healing & Spiritual Practitioner - available in Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Asia, India, Europe + more

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